What is School Bus Safety Week?

School Bus Safety Week is celebrated during the third full week of October each year. October 16th – 20th, 2023 marks this year's safety week. The annual event is a great way to bring together school bus operators, students, parents, educators, motorists, and anyone else interested in school bus safety to raise awareness on the importance of school bus safety. 


Participate in PennDOT's Operation Safe Stop. To learn more about this initiative visit PennDOT's National School Bus Safety Week Website.

Recognize the Professional Drivers Who are Committeed to Safety with the PSBA Safe Driver Award

Social Media Toolkit

These social media images can be used across all platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn) and can be used to promote school bus safety in your community. To save the images, right click on the image you wiuld like to save and select "Save Image As." The image should be saved to your "Downloads" e-folder on your computer. You can then post the image on your own social media platforms. The Pennsylvania School Bus Association will also be running these posts during School Bus Safety Week and you can "repost" them as well on your own pages. Thank you for helping promote the importance of school bus safety!

CLICK HERE to access text to accompany your social media posts.


school bus safety
school bus safety
Red Lights Mean Stop
school bus safety
school bus safety
school bus safety
Pennsylvania Partners - We Need Your Help!

We need your help! National School Bus Safety Week is right around the corner (October 16 – October 20, 2023) . As you may be aware, Pennsylvania is facing a school bus driver shortage. Unfortunately, the number of licensed school bus drivers in the Commonwealth has steadily declined since 2015, despite the fact that the number of students transported by school bus every day is over 1.5 million and has not declined at all in the last ten years. As you may have seen in local news reports, it has become commonplace for schools to have to adjust their bell schedules due to the driver shortage, change or cancel bus routes, or even cancel the school day altogether, despite the best efforts of their pupil transportation contractor. 

In response to this dire need of drivers, the Pennsylvania School Bus Association (PSBA) is hoping to take advantage of the spotlight during National School Bus Safety Week not only remind motorists, parents and students of the importance of school bus safety, but also to promote job opportunities across the Commonwealth to help alleviate the driver shortage. 

Linked below you will find social media posts that can be used to help promote 2023 National School Bus Safety Week and Pennsylvania’s School Bus Transportation Job Portal (schoolbushero.com). If you are willing to become a partner in alleviating the school bus driver shortage in Pennsylvania, please consider sharing these social media posts on Wednesday, October 18, 2023!

CLICK HERE to access text to accompany your social media posts.


School Bus Safety Week-Safely Rollingtomy Destination
School Bus Safety Week-Safest Formof Transportation
School Bus Safety Week-Red Lights Mean Stop
More Ways to Celebrate School Bus Safety Week

The PSBA is excited to provide you with materials to use in your own neighborhoods and communities to promote safety on the school bus.
Click on the image you would like to download. Questions? Call the PSBA Office at 717-975-1951.


Letter to the Editor - Please share this letter with your local news stations and newspapers to help spread awareness on the school bus being the safest form of transportation. 

School Bus Safety Week Flyer - Download this flyer to start planning your own School Bus Safety Week events and promotions, or share with your school districts to help them brainstorm ideas. 

School Bus Safety Coloring Book - This coloring book can be downloaded and customized with your company information. Consider distributing at PTO events, to students on the bus or to community members. Also available is an introduction letter for coloring book distribution.