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PennDOT Operation Safe Stop

  • 9/9/2015 9:52:00 AM
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The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) is gearing up for National School Bus Safety Week which will take place October 19 to October 23, 2015. 

An important part of that week is our PennDOT’s annual participation in Operation Safe Stop, when law enforcement agencies, school transportation providers, pupil transportation associations, and PennDOT combine their efforts to raise public awareness about the potential consequences of illegal school bus passes and to reduce their occurrence.  This year, the 19th Annual Operation Safe Stop will take place across Pennsylvania on Wednesday October 21.  

On this day, PennDOT hopes that all school districts will participate by having their drivers document any illegal passes that occur on their routes during the day.  If possible, the drivers should get identifying information regarding the vehicle and file it with local authorities. The Department is seeking a point of contact from each school district who will act as the district’s Operation Safe Stop Coordinator. The Coordinator’s activities will take only a few hours for the entire project.  This is a small time commitment that will make a big difference in our children’s safe travel to and from school. The Coordinator’s Packet can be downloaded by going to  


 If you have any questions about Operation Safe Stop, contact Brett DePalma, PennDOT Special Driver Programs Manager at bdepalma@pa.gov

